レッスンで出てきた文法・単語 | SENTENCE STRUCTURE: -The names of the three meals that people generally eat a day are breakfast, lunch and dinner. -We use a knife and fork to eat with. VOCABULARY: -MEAL -BREAKFAST -LUNCH -DINNER -A DAY -MORNING -EVENING -KNIFE -FORK GRAMMAR: People generally eat three meals a day, which we call breakfast, lunch and dinner. We generally have breakfast at about 8 o'clock in the morning, lunch at about one o'clock and dinner at about 8 o'clock in the evening. MISSPLELLED WORDS: Scandinavia | ||
レッスンで利用した教材 | callan stage 2 |
many====more than====the most
few===fewer than====the fewest
much=====more than====the most
little====less than=====the least
"many"=== with things we can count
Generally, the things we can count take an "s" in the plural.
"People" is an exception.
It has no "s", but we use "many" with it.
peoples== is wrong
Much",===, we use with things we cannot count
example=water or sugar
These things are a singular quantity, and take no "s".
Money is no exception
we can count money, but we do not say one money, two monies.
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