水曜日, 12月 26, 2012

Callan Stage 5 Lesson 59 on pages 342-343

-cause, think of, freedom, justice, that is, as, bone 

-I just arrived home.
-I ate Christmas cake on Christmas day.
-Yes, I can think of a cause for which I would be willing to die: the cause of freedom.
-People usually die for the causes of diseases, accidents and disasters.
-Yes, as we have now studied about a thousand words and a lot of the grammar, I can hold a simple conversation in English.
-As I am not tall enough to touch the ceiling, I would have to put a ladder if I wanted to touch it.
-I went to school; that is, the school where I studied when I was a student.
-I read the book; that is, the book which I read most of it.
-No, I've never broken any of the bones in my body.
レッスンで利用した教材Callan Stage 5

We went to their house after the cinema; that is, the house where they lived until last week.
I went to school; that is, the school where I studied when I was a  student.

I read the book; that is, I read most of it.
I read the book; that is, the book which I read most of it.

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