水曜日, 7月 24, 2013

Callan New Edition Stage 8 Lesson 126 on page 696,Stage 8 GRAMMAR QUESTIONS"

  1. We add the letters "es" to form the plural of a noun and the third person singular of a verb when a word ends in one of the letters "o", "s", "x', "z", "ch" or 'sb". For example, "Kiss-Kisses;tomato-tomatoes
  2. When a noun or verb ends in a consonant plus "y", the "y" is changed to "i" and then the letters "es" are added. For example, "one lady - two ladies"; fry-fries
  3. We generally form the plural of a noun ending in "f" or "fe" by changing the "f" or "fe" to "ves". For example, "leaf - leaves".
  4. Three common exceptions to this rule are "chefs", "cliffs', and "roofs".
  5. We use the present simple to speak about a future action when we are talking about timetables or schedules. For example. "The movie will start at 10 pm".
  6. We use the relative pronoun "what" when we don't mention the thing that the relative clause describes.For example,"I like what you bought yesterday."
  7. Some people prefer to use the relative pronoun "whom" instead of "who" with formal English, when the relative pronoun ¡s not the subject of the verb that follows.For example, I know the man whom she's talking to.
  8. No, when we have a preposition at the beginning of a relative clause, we cannot follow the preposition with "who"; we must use "whom". For example,"I know the man to whom she's talking.
  9. We use the word "whose" at the beginning of a relative clause instead of using a possessive adjective like "my", "your, "his" etc. For example,I have a cat whose tail is short.
  10. The difference between a transitive verb and an intransitive verb is that a transitive verb has an object, whereas an intransitive verb does not have an object.
  11. I have a book.I eat my breakfast.
レッスンで利用した教材Callan book
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