木曜日, 10月 24, 2013

Callan Stage 9 New Edition Lesson 143-144 page 806-809

レッスンで出てきた文法・単語Vocabulary Words
1.at sea
2.by sea
3.go past

Sentence Structured 
1.Yes, my country has a good relationship with most of its neighbouring countries
2.When we say that everything is relative, we mean that what we think of something often depends on what we are comparing ¡t to
3.How long you are at sea for when you travel by sea from Europe to America depends on the ship, but I reckon about 3-4 days.
4.When people do and say when they hope to prevent bad luck they touch something that ¡s made of wood and say "Touch wood!"
5.I saw him passing by my house yesterday

Grammar Statements
There are many expressions in English that contain the word "by". Here are some examples:
i ) "The traffic passed by my house" means that the traffic went past my house.
2) Mr Williams lives by himself" means that nobody lives with him, whereas Mr Williams did the job by himself' means that he did it without any help.
3) 'He worked by night and slept by day" means that he worked during the night and slept during the day.
4) "This play was written by Shakespeare" means that Shakespeare was the writer of this play.
5) "He worked ¡n the town and lived in a nearby village" means that he lived in a village that was near the town. Notice that we cannot say "a near town"; we must say "a nearby town.

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