•track わだち
•running track ランニングトラック
•railway track 線路
Q.If you were a newspaper reporter, what kind of news would you like to write about?
•If I were a newspaper reporter,I'd like to to write about politics.
Q.What are the nouns of the verbs "approve" and "disapprove"?
•The nouns of the verbs "approve" and "disapprove" are "approval" and "disapproval"
Q.How is a track made?
•A track is made by people or animals constantly walking over the same piece of ground
Q.What's a running track?
•A running track is a track used for races, which we find on a sports field or in an athletics stadium
Q.What are railway tracks?
•Railway tracks are the lines on which trains run
Q.How can we tell the difference between the tracks of a horse and those of a cow?
•We can tell the difference between the tracks of a horse and those of a cow by the prints. The prints left by a horse are round like a horseshoe, whereas those of a cow are split down the middle
Q.How do the police track a murderer?
•The police track a murderer mainly by searching for clues and asking people questions
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