金曜日, 12月 06, 2013

Callan New Edition Stage 10 Lesson 154 on page 875

  • spin - spun - spun
  • spin drier
  • slim 

  • It was sunny and a bit cold today.
  • I will surf the internet after the lesson.
  • I will watch a concert tomorrow.
  • It's a female group and it will start at 5:00 pm.
  • The name of the female group is ''Perfume''.
  • Yes, they are popular and famous in Japan.
  • I've been to their concert for 3 times and I'm a fan of them.
  • I know most of their songs.
  • I will watch it with my wife. 

    1. What can cause cracks in walls and ceilings?
  • Age, dampness, dryness or bad workmanship can cause cracks in walls and ceilings.

  • 2. What does the verb "to spin" mean?
  • The verb "to spin" means to turn round and round very quickly, or make something turn round and round very quickly.

  • 3. What are the three forms of "spin"?
  • The three forms of "spin" are "spin, spun, spun''.

  • 4. What's a spin drier?
  • A spin drier is a machine that dries clothes by spinning them round very quickly.

  • 5. Do you think most people join gyms mainly because they want to become slimmer rather than because they want to get fit?
  • Yes. I think most people join gyms mainly because they want to become slimmer rather than because they want to get fit.

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