レッスンで出てきた文法・単語 | DICTATION 50 : The arrow/ flew through the air/ and hit the tree/ in the middle./ He looked very strange;/ he had fair hair/ but a dark beard./ 1 do not know/ how much they gave him,/ but it was a large amount./ I cannot go any further;/ I am too tired./ Poor John was not invited/ to Mary's birthday party./ I am sorry,/ but I have already thrown/ your old tie away:/ it was too dirty to keep./ They just could not understand/ the reason for their tiredness./ Some people like living alone,/ others hate it./ In my opinion, he is wrong. Vocabulary APPEAR DISAPPEAR APPEARANCE GET TO KNOW | ||
レッスンで利用した教材 | Callan Stage 6 | ||
レッスンで利用した教材のページ数 | page: 543-544 |
水曜日, 3月 06, 2013
Callan Stage 6 Next Lesson: Callan Stage 6 page 44 "WHICH WAY OF JUDGING DO YOU THINK IS FAIRER ?"
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