月曜日, 3月 18, 2013

Callan Stage 6 vocabulary test

レッスンで出てきた文法・単語Sentence Structure: 
Ridden: I have ridden the train for two hours. 

Flown: The plane has flown for a long time. 

Draw: I like to draw a picture. 

Ruler: I need a ruler to draw a straight line. 

Earth: Our planet is the earth. 

Grew: If I grew some plants in my garden, I could eat them. 

Matter: That house is made of wood matter. 

Expect: I expect that he will pass the exam. 

Purpose: My purpose of studying English is to travel abroad. 

Allow: I don't allow my cat to enter my room. 

Power: The president of the country has a strong power.
レッスンで利用した教材Callan book
レッスンで利用した教材のページ数at the last part of the book

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語学習法へ

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