レッスンで出てきた文法・単語 | Vocabulary : settle = TO MAKE ONE'S HOME , TO COLONIZE , TO DECIDE •PARTLY •CHICKEN = easy •BRAVE <-> chicken •BEACH •TIDY = to keep things in their proper place, neat and clean Sentence Structures: •Yes, I'd find it difficult to settle in a foreign country •Yes, I'd say that success in life was partly question of luck. •Yes, a chicken can fly , but not very high. •"To be tidy" means to keep things in their proper place. IDIOM 10 STAND = to bear or suffer DICTATION 58 PAST (adj) My town/ is not very big,/ but despite this fact it is very good at football/ and is in the first division./ Consider very, very carefully/ before you choose,/ as a lot may depend/ upon your decision./ Whatever I do,/ it never seems to be right./ With modern science,/ there seems to be no limit/ to what man is able to do./ Perhaps, one day/ in the future,/ we may be able to travel/ wherever we wish/ in the heavens./-> | ||
レッスンで利用した教材 | Callan Stage 7 | ||
レッスンで利用した教材のページ数 | 670-672 |
水曜日, 5月 08, 2013
Callan Stage 7 Lesson 107 on page 670 please start with ''TO MAKE ONE'S HOME''.
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