レッスンで出てきた文法・単語 | SENTENCE STRUCTURES:
- We use the words "so" and "not" when replying to something that someone has just said to avoid repeating the whole sentence.
- The five senses are sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell.
- I prefer dark colours.
- No, I don't usually feel brighter in the evening than first thing in the morning; I usually feel more tired.
- No, I don't spend a great deal of my time doing nothing.
- I think that the personal freedom of the individual is important.
- By a fierce animal we mean a dangerous and wild animal.
- We had better study hard if we want to get high marks in an examination.
- If I buy clothes and find out later that they don't fit me properly, I take them back and try to change them.
- No,I'm not fit to teach beginner level English.
- I'd be able to identify myself in the street if I were stopped by the police by showing them my identity card, passport etc.
IDIOM 15 SEE EYE TO EYE=agree with someone
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