月曜日, 1月 27, 2014

Callan OLD Edition Stage 11 Lesson 162 on page 1086"UNDO"

VOCABULARY/Sentence Example


---His fingers were suffering from frostbite, which made it almost impossible for him to undo the knot in his tie.


----The thieves had stolen the museum's most valuable piece of jewellery.

•STONY  石の

--- The sound of footsteps on the stony path leading to the house made the dogs bark

•AHEAD OF  先進的な

---Some artists and poets are so far ahead of their time, that the general public often finds it difficult to understand their work.


---We had to spend a considerable amount of time queuing for tickets.

•DRAW IN  入る
•HALT  止まる

---The train was drawing out of the station just as we reached the platform.
---The train drew into the station and came to a halt just as the clock was striking twelve.


---The taking of drugs, like heroin and cocaine, is very damaging to the health; but there are drugs, however, which are used legally as medicine.

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