日曜日, 1月 12, 2014

Callan Stage 10 New Edition Lesson 163 page 938 - 939


-exaggerate  誇張する
-modest  控えめな
-reputation  評判
-conscience  良心
-suspect /s'spekt/  疑う
-suspect /'s^spekt/  容疑者


-My wife went to dentist today.

-Q:When telling stories about things that have happened to them, do some people exaggerate in order to make the stories more interesting?
-A:Yes, when telling stories about things that have happened to them, some people exaggerate in order to make the stories more interesting.

-Q:What do we mean by a modest lifestyle?
-A:By a modest lifestyle, we mean a lifestyle without a lot of luxury.

-Q:What do we mean by a modest person?
-A:By a modest person, we mean someone who doesn't boast about, or exaggerate, his achievements.

-Q:How can a hotel or restaurant develop a bad reputation?
-A:A hotel or restaurant can develop a bad reputation by treating its customers badly, overcharging them, providing a poor service etc.

-Q:What do we mean if we say we have a guilty conscience?
-A:If we say we have a guilty conscience, we mean that we have done something wrong and are worried about it. Usually we have not been found out or punished, but we still feel uncomfortable about it.

-Q:What do the police do when they suspect someone of committing crimes but have no proof?
-A:When the police suspect someone of committing crimes but have no proof, they follow them to see where they go and what they do

-Q:And what do we call the person that the police suspect?
-A:We call the person that the police suspect a suspect.

-Q:Is there anything you own that you wouldn't exchange for all the world?
-A:Yes, there's something I own that I wouldn't exchange for all the world.

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