木曜日, 11月 08, 2012

Callan Stage 3 Lesson 29 page 164-167

-as...as, not as..as, Thames, Spain, season, spring, summer, autumn, winter, precede, follow, start, tree, voice, war, almost, when, old, new

-Yes, that piece of paper is light enough for me to lift.
-No, the table isn't as high as the door, but it's lower than the door.
-No, this building isn't as high as Mt. Everest, but it's lower than Mt. Everest.
-No, the river Thames isn't as long as the Nile, but it's shorter than the Nile.
-No, Spain isn't as large as South America, but it's smaller than South America.
-The names of the four seasons of the year are spring, summer, autumn and winter.
-We're in autumn now. -Last season was summer.
-Next season will be winter.
-Tuesday precedes Wednesday.
-No, Thursday doesn't precede Wednesday, but it follows it.
-14 follows the number 13.
-I have my breakfast at 7 am.
レッスンで利用した教材Callan Stage 3

The man is as tall as you.

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