火曜日, 11月 27, 2012

Callan Stage 4 Lesson 41 Dictation 22 page 231-234

-smile, tax, destroy, dog, guilty, hill, around, horse, laugh, to make laugh, enemy, America, castle, stop

-No, I never broke an armor a leg when I was a little child.
-Yes, we stood up after the last lesson.
-No, I didn't remember all the new words last lesson from the lesson before that, but some I remembered and some I forgot.
-Yes, you gave me a dictation last month.
-No, England and America weren't enemies during the last World War, but they were friends.

-Evelest " EVEREST"
レッスンで利用した教材Callan Stage 4 book

Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
The Nile is the longest river in the world.
This piece is the largest, that is larger.
War between two nations is unpleasant.
I can measure the increase in the quantity of glass we're using, but it's less than it was.
Start at the bottom of the tree and go almost to the top.
The table's heavy.

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