火曜日, 2月 12, 2013

callan stage 6 page 484-486


sentence structure:

1.We use the words "lady" and "gentleman" when we do not know a person's name. For example, "Who was that gentleman speaking to that lady?"
2.The seven different uses of the Future are -
a) Pure Future - Tomorrow will be Tuesday,
b) Promise - If you are a good boy, I will give you some money,
c) Determination - My mother says I mustn't go to the cinema this evening, but I will go.
d) Polite Request - Will you open the window, please?
e) Willingness - Will you open the window, please? Yes, I will
f) Offer of Service – Shall I open the window for you?
g) Suggestion - Shall we go for a walk this afternoon?
3.I consider the worst thing that can happen to person is to a die slowly in great pain.
4. We must consider carefully before making an important decision because, if we don't consider carefully, we might make a big mistake
5.The difference between the words "what" and "whatever" is that the word "what" we use in a limited sense, whilst the word "whatever" we use in a more unlimited sense. Other examples of this kind of thing are: when - whenever; where - wherever and who - whoever
6.If I could buy whatever I wanted, I'd buy high building .
7.No, I can't go for a holiday whenever I like.
8.If I could go wherever I liked in the world I'd go Hawaii.
9.If I could meet whoever I wished in the world I'd prefer Obama. prefer to
レッスンで利用した教材callan stage 6
レッスンで利用した教材のページ数page 484-486

In that last sentence, the word "whoever" is really incorrect as it is the object of the
sentence and not the subject. Consequently, it ought to be "whomever" and not
"whoever". However, we prefer to use "whoever" as it is easier to say, which is why
it is more common. Also, "whom would you prefer..." usually becomes "who would you prefer..." in conversation.

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語学習法へ

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