木曜日, 2月 14, 2013

Callan Stage 6 page 491, LESSON 84 "We can sometimes form verbs from...."

ACHE = continuas physical pain
STOMACH-ACHE 読みづらいので、-をつける

Sentence Structure:
1.) We form verbs from certain adjectives by adding the letters "en".
2.) The verb "to darken" means "to make darker".
3.) I think the best way to strengthen the friendship between the different countries of the world is to try to increase understanding between them and perhaps it is not a bad idea to send the children of one country to study for a year in another country.
4.) If our trousers are too short, we must lengthen them.
5.) A farmer fattens his animals by giving them more and better food, obviously.
6.) An adjective or noun must have one syllable in order for us...
7.) No, we can't form verbs 
8.) Because they don't always sound pleasant or rhythmical or easy to say.
9.) An ache is a continuous physical pain, such as toothache, headache, stomach-ache etc.
10.) I might get stomach-ache if I ate too much.
11.) Yes, 1 sometimes suffer from earache.
レッスンで利用した教材Callan Stage 6
レッスンで利用した教材のページ数page 491-494

dark - darken
short - shorten
length - lengthen
wide - widen
strength - strengthen
smallen x, bigen x, largen x

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語学習法へ

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