月曜日, 2月 04, 2013

Callan stage 6 pages 456-458

レッスンで出てきた文法・単語Dictation 43
I do not get up immediately I wake up, but I lie in bed for a few minutes.
-We sometimes go through the summer without going for a swim.
-To cross the road without looking both ways would be very dangerous.
- When we say we ought to study, it means that we have an alternative, but that we are under a moral obligation to study.
- Although they were no bones in the meat, it had been cooked so badly that it was impossible to eat.
-In origin, most people in Europe are of mixture of blood; this be in caused by the many wars that there has been in the past.

misspelled words:


*As you already know, the auxiliary verb "do" is used in the Present Simple Tense only in the interrogative and negative but not in the positive.
*We usually use the emphatic "do" when someone denies something we say and which we know to be true.
*Another use of the emphatic "do" is in an exclamation.
レッスンで利用した教材Callan pdf
レッスンで利用した教材のページ数pages 456-458

A: He goes to the cinema everyday.
B: No, he doesn't go to the cinema everyday.
A: Yes, he do go to the cinema everyday.

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