火曜日, 1月 08, 2013

Callan Stage 5 Lesson 64 on pages 377-380

-lay, Sir, Madam, customer, officer, title, lady, gentleman, standard, height 

-The seven different uses of the future are Pure Future, Promise, Determination, Polite Request, Willingness, Offer of Service, and Suggestion.
-Tomorrow will be Wednesday.
-If you keep a promise, I will give you money.
-I will go to swim tomorrow.
-Will you give me water, please?
-Yes, I will.
-Shall I give you some drink?
-Shall we go to the cinema tomorrow?
-The past of the verb ''to lie'' is ''lay''.
-I lay in bed for 6 hours last night.
-Lady Margaret Hilda Thatcher.
-Sir Winston Churchill.
-Some examples of "gentleman" and "lady" used about a person we don't know are "Who's that gentleman speaking to Mr. Thomas?" and ''Who's that lady standing at the door?''
-United States of America have the highest standards of living.
-The standard height of the man in my country is 170 cm.
レッスンで利用した教材Callan Stage 5

Sir, Madam, Miss お店やホテルの従業員がcustomerを呼ぶときに使う。軍人が上官(officer)を呼ぶとき。相手が若くても使える。polite way to call people, right manner

Sir ~, Laday ~ 敬称、title

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