月曜日, 1月 07, 2013

Callan Stage 5 , page 373-374

1.murder 2.prison 3.to make one feel 4.roots 5.problem 6.memory


1.passive voice 2.active voice

sentence structure:
1.If the house were to be bought by his uncle, he would be happy
2.Would the teacher be asked a question by Charles ?
3.The picture has been turned round by them
4.They will be bored by us
5.My car is cleaned by me every Saturday
6.If the glass were dropped by me, it'd break
7.Were the cars being driven too fast by the two men
8.No, I don't like reading about murders
9.We call that part of a tree that's in the land its "roots"
10.Yes, I've got a good memory. 
レッスンで利用した教材Callan stage:5 ***
レッスンで利用した教材のページ数Pages:373-374 ***

The table is pushed by the teacher.

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