水曜日, 1月 23, 2013

Callan Stage 5 Lesson 72 on pages 429-431

-even, even though, not even, keep an appointment, born (to be born)
-to, at ,direction 

-I've just got home.
-No, neither you nor anyone in this room, remind me of any member of my family.
-Yes, I'd keep an appointment even though I had to walk through heavy rain in order to do so.
- If you were very hungry, would you even eat bad food?
    No, even if I were very hungry, I wouldn't eat bad food.
-Yes, there'll be even more people and more cars in the world in a few years' time.
-Yes, I sometimes stop and think that even as we are sitting here at this moment, there is somebody dying somewhere in the world, there is somebody being born, somebody being killed in an accident, somebody being murdered and somebody being married.
-Because I'm interested in what is happening to other people.
-No, I don't know of a house or even a village where they haven't even got water or electricity.
レッスンで利用した教材Callan Stage 5

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