土曜日, 4月 05, 2014

Callan OLD Edition Stage 11 Lesson 167 page 1138 please start with "RAG"


・RAG  ぼろきれ
---The expression "rags to riches" describes a person who is born very poor, with clothes that look as though they are made of rags, and becomes very rich, usually through a combination of hard work, luck and intelligence.

---If you don't wash certain clothes carefully, there is the danger that they will shrink.
---The funds of the organization shrank to such an extent that there was the possibility of bankruptcy./

・TAN   ひやけ
---The trouble with a holiday suntan is that it has a tendency to look rather yellowish after a few days. It also makes the skin look older.
Like a cosmetic, it only looks good for a short time: the reason for looking good is not the tan but the fact that the person has been relaxing in the fresh air.


・He became a general in Japan
・He was a farmer.
・I don't think make-up is necessary for men.

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