木曜日, 10月 31, 2013

Callan New Edition Stage 9 Lesson 145 on page 819 please start with the question ''Why is it that we seldom know another person's real self?''


•lie - lay - lain 横になる
•lay-laid-laid  嘘をつく
•lie - lied - lied 横たえる
•airtight 気密性の
•watertight 防水性の

•1. ) The irregular verb "to lie", meaning 'to be in a horizontal position', its three forms being "lie, lay. lain";
•2)the regular verb "to lie", meaning "not to tell the truth", its three forms being "lie. lied, lied"; and
•3) the verb "to lay", meaning "to put carefully on a surface", its three forms being "lay, laid, laid".


Q.Why is it that we seldom know another person's real self?
•The reason we seldom know another person's real self is that most people keep some of their true character and feelings hidden from others.

Q.What do we mean by self-control?
•By self-control, we mean control over our own feelings, desires and emotions without discipline coming from others

Q.What are the three forms of the irregular verb "to lie" and what does it mean?
•The irregular verb "to lie", meaning 'to be in a horizontal position', its three forms being "lie, lay. lain";

Q.What are the three forms of the regular verb "to lie", and what does it mean?
•The regular verb "to lie", meaning "not to tell the truth", its three forms being "lie. lied, lied"; and

Q.What are the three forms of the verb "to lay" and what does it mean?
•The verb "to lay", meaning "to put carefully on a surface", its three forms being "lay, laid, laid".

Q.What am I doing?
•You're holding on tightly to the arm of the chair

Q.Which are more comfortable: tight-fitting or loose-fitting clothes?
•Loose-fitting clothes are more comfortable

Q.What am I pretending to do?
•You're pretending to take aim at the window with a gun

水曜日, 10月 30, 2013

Callan New Edition Stage 9 Lesson 145 on pages 818-819


  • cloth 布
  • wool
  • convince 確信させる
  • try 裁判を受ける
  • set free 自由にする
  • relieve
  • relief
  • pill
  • painkiller
  • self
  • selfish
  • self-control
  • control 

  • It's cloudy today.
  • No, I don't think that it will rain, but it's little bit cold now.
  • Wool is most commonly used to make men's suits.
  • When a man commits murder and the law cannot prove he did it, even though everyone is convinced he did, the man is set free.
  • Yes, in some countries, if new evidence is discovered after the man has been set free, he can be tried again.
  • We call the pills that we take to relieve a headache painkillers.
  • A soldier is generally on guard for maybe two to four hours before he's relieved.
  • The noun of "relieve" is ''relief".
  • During a war, by Red Cross relief, we mean the food, medicine and protection that the Red Cross provide to people whose lives are being affected by the war.
  • NEW Callan Stage 9 , lesson 145 , pages 817-818

    Sentence Structures: 
    1. A voyage is a long journey on water or in space.
    2. No, l've never been on a tour of a city on an open-topped bus.
    3. Osaka is somewhere in this country that's visited by tourists throughout the year.
    4. Yes, it's cheaper to keep a rabbit as a pet than a dog.
    5. Cars that that run on electricity becoming more popular these days because they don't create any pollution.
    6. Yes, it'd create big problems for me if I lost my mobile phone.
    7. Castles are often situated on high ground because, in the past, this made it more difficult for enemies to attack.

    Vocabulary words: 
    • voyage
    • space
    • tour
    • tourist
    • pet
    • rabbit
    • run on 続く
    • create
    • situated

    火曜日, 10月 29, 2013

    NEW Callan Stage 9 , lesson 145 , page 816-817

    Sentence Structures: 
    1. Yes, I've had a hairstyle that was completely different from the one I have now.
    2. At a party, I think it's better to let everyone help themselves to the food.
    3. Yes, there's a mistake in English that you can't help making when you write or speak.
    4. I think the elephant can pull the heaviest load.
    5. They used to load a gun in the old days by pouring gunpowder down the barrel of the gun, then dropping a lead ball down the barrel onto the powder, and then, finally, pushing everything down with a metal rod.
    6. Yes, I know how to use a fishing rod.

    Vocabulary words: 
    • style
    • help yourself
    • can't help
    • load
    • barrel
    • lead
    • rod

    月曜日, 10月 28, 2013

    NEW Callan Stage 9 , lesson 144&145, page 815-816

    Sentence Structures: 
    1. When we are trying to think of a word or a name that we know well, but we cannot remember it immediately, we say it's on the tip of our tongue.
    2. If I washed some delicate clothes in a washing machine at a high temperature, they would get damaged or become smaller..
    3. A paw is the foot of an animal which has claws, like that of a cat, a dog, a lion etc.
    4. Yes, if I noticed somebody struggling to get a pushchair onto a bus, I'd assist them.
    5. No, if someone called me on my mobile but I was otherwise engaged with something important, I wouldn't take the call.
    6. If I had to perform in a play, I'd like to perform the part of
    7. The idiom "get (hold of) the wrong end of the stick" means "understand something wrongly.
    8. Farmers sometimes plant seeds carefully in the ground in rows rather than just scatter them on the land to prevent birds from eating them, or the wind from blowing them away.
    9. Yes, I have a strong preference for any particular national cuisine.

    Vocabulary words: 
    • cuisine
    • preference

    日曜日, 10月 27, 2013

    Continue Callan Stage 9 , lesson 144 , page 815 , Revision Exercise and start with: #5 "If you had been a prisoner during the last world war, would you have tried to escape?

    レッスンで出てきた文法・単語Revision Exercise 65 (Lessons 134 - 135): 

    Q.If you had been a prisoner during the last world war, would you have tried to escape? 
    •No, if I'd been prisoner during the last world war, I wouldn't have tried to escape. 

    Q.After washing, what do we wipe our hands and face on? 
    •After washing, we wipe our hands and face on a towel. 

    Q.When we buy an interest in a business, what are the documents that we buy called? 
    •When we buy an interest in a business, the documents that we buy are called "shares". 

    Q.When do we use the expressions "may as well" or "might as well"? 
    •We use the expressions "may as well" or "might as well" when we are suggesting something, not because we think it is a great idea but because we cannot think of anything better to do. 

    Q.When we arrive at someone's house, how can we tell if they've recently been cooking? 
    •When we arrive at someone's house, we can tell if they've recently been cooking because we can smell the food. 

    土曜日, 10月 26, 2013

    New Callan Edition Stage 9 , Lesson 144 , page 814 , and start with: "The possessive ;apostrophe"

    • The possessive apostrophe
    • the last straw

    1. For people and animals, we almost always use the apostrophe to communicate possession.
    2. For example. we say Mr Johnson's tie". 
    3. my uncle's house, the horse's tail" etc.
    4. We sometimes use it for things as well.
    5. For example. we can say "The book's main purpose is to teach", which is the same as saying "The main purpose of the book is to teach".
    6. However, for things, we generally communicate possession by using the word "of", and we say, for example, "the door of the house", or "the smell of the food".

    7. Idiom. "The last straw" = the last of several bad things that have happened. which makes you realize you cannot stand a situation anymore
    8. e.g. I've tried very hard to tolerate the noise from our neighbours but this is the last straw. I'm going to say something to them.


    1. tidying [tiding]
    2. fright [flight]
    3. stream [strem]
    4. caused [cost]

    1. Mr. Mayamuto's shoes are clean.
    2. The door of this room's very big.

    1. Q
        When do we use the apostrophe to communicate possession?
      • We generally use the apostrophe to communicate possession for people or animals

    2. Q
        How do we generally communicate possession for things?
      • We generally communicate possession for things by using the word "of"

    3. Q
        What does the idiom "the last straw" mean?
      • The idiom "the last straw" mean "the last of several bad things that have happened, which makes you realize you cannot stand a situation anymore"

    4. Q
        From your point of view, is it better to live in a big city or in the countryside?
      • From my point of view, it's better to live in the countryside.

    5. Q
        As far as you're concerned, which country has the best food in the world?
      • As far as I'm concerned, the country which has the best food in the world is Japan.
    6. Q
        When were using a screw to hang a picture on a wall, do we turn the screw clockwise or anti-clockwise?
      • When we're using a screw to hang a picture on a wall, we turn the screw clockwise.

    7. Q
        When a member of the public is killed by a police officer, do you think there ought to be an official inquiry into the death?
      • Yes, when a member of the public is killed by a police officer, I think there ought to be an official enquiry into the death.

    The storm had cost a lot of damage on the beach, which took a lot tiding off.
    It was the first time he had ever spoken in public, and it was clear that the poor man was suffering from stage flight.
    Our plans where at a very advanced stage of development when we suddenly  had to change them entirely, and in doing so received a stream of emails protesting about our decision.
    They all went to the railway station to wave goodby to their guests.



    Callan New Edition Stage 9 Lesson 144 on page 812''What were the consequences?''.


    •feed - fed - fed 


    Q.What's the difference between "bath" and "bathe"? 
    •The difference between 'bath' and 'bathe" is that "bath" is generally used as a noun, whereas 'bathe' is generally used as a verb.

    Q.Do you think it's bad manners to dip biscuits into a cup of tea or coffee? 
    •Yes, I think it's bad manners to dip biscuits into a cup of tea or coffee.

    Q.What's my hand doing? 
    •You're hand's moving in a horizontal direction, then suddenly dipping and coming up again

    Q.Does the sun rise over the horizon in the east or the west? 
    •The sun rises over the horizon in the east

    Q.What's the difference between hay and straw? 
    •The difference between hay and straw is that hay is dried grass, whereas straw is the stems of wheat or other types of corn after it has been cut. 

    金曜日, 10月 25, 2013

    Callan New Edition Stage 9 Lesson 144 on pages 811-812

  • enormous
  • belief
  • effort
  • stay ¡n touch with 連絡を取る
  • tolerate 大目に見る
  • go ahead
  • just the same
  • forbid - forbade - forbidden

  • It's my day off today.
  • I went shopping and bought soda pop.
  • I also went to the eye doctor to check my eyes and ask for some eye drops.
  • I will cook food for our dinner this evening after the lesson.
  • Yes, it's raining today.
  • Two typhoons are now approaching here in Japan especially in the eastern area of Japan they will experience heavy rain.

  • Yes, it'd cause enormous problems if all the traffic lights in my town suddenly stopped working.
  • I think that religious belief is increasing in the world generally.
  • Yes, it's an effort for me to get up in the morning.
  • No, I don't make an effort to stay in touch with any of the people I used to go to work with.
  • No, if I lived next to an airport, I don't think I'd be able to tolerate the noise of the planes.
  • Yes, when I was a child and my parents forbade me to do something, I use to go ahead and do it just the same.
  • (New Edition) Callan Stage 9, lesson 144, pages 810- 811

    レッスンで出てきた文法・単語SENTENCE STRUCTURE/S: 
    1. Apples are in season at the moment.
    2. You're pretending to thread a piece of cotton through the eye of a needle.
    3. A thread of cotton has to be about one meter long to sew a button on a shirt.
    4. Besides sewing need'es, there are compass needles, injection needles etc.
    5. Professional actors have agents to help them find suitable work.
    6. When I go on holiday, I prefer to let a travel agency deal with everything for me.
    7. The title of the last book I read was ''Trade your way to financial freedom''.

    • thread
    • needle
    • sew
    • compass
    • injection
    • out of season
    • in season
    • sewing needles
    • agent
    • professional actors
    • suitable work
    • title
    • champion
    • boxer

    木曜日, 10月 24, 2013

    (New Edition) Callan Stage 9, Lesson 144,page 809, start with:-->Henry sat alone in the room.

    • in season
    • out of season
    Sentence Structures: 
    • Q.Henry sat alone in the room.
    • A.Henry sat in the room by himself.

    • Q.Henry did the translation without help.
    • A.Henry did the translation by himself.

    • Q.Cats prefer to hunt during the night.
    • A.Cats prefer to hunt by night.

    • Q.My sister was the painter of this picture.
    • A.This picture was painted by my sister.

    • Q.Is it correct to say "The man lived in a near town"?
    • A. No, it isn't correct to .
    • Q.What must we say instead?
    • A.We must say "The man lived in a nearby town" instead.

    • Q. Are apples in season or out of season at the moment?
    • A.Apples are in season at the moment.

    Callan Stage 9 New Edition Lesson 143-144 page 806-809

    レッスンで出てきた文法・単語Vocabulary Words
    1.at sea
    2.by sea
    3.go past

    Sentence Structured 
    1.Yes, my country has a good relationship with most of its neighbouring countries
    2.When we say that everything is relative, we mean that what we think of something often depends on what we are comparing ¡t to
    3.How long you are at sea for when you travel by sea from Europe to America depends on the ship, but I reckon about 3-4 days.
    4.When people do and say when they hope to prevent bad luck they touch something that ¡s made of wood and say "Touch wood!"
    5.I saw him passing by my house yesterday

    Grammar Statements
    There are many expressions in English that contain the word "by". Here are some examples:
    i ) "The traffic passed by my house" means that the traffic went past my house.
    2) Mr Williams lives by himself" means that nobody lives with him, whereas Mr Williams did the job by himself' means that he did it without any help.
    3) 'He worked by night and slept by day" means that he worked during the night and slept during the day.
    4) "This play was written by Shakespeare" means that Shakespeare was the writer of this play.
    5) "He worked ¡n the town and lived in a nearby village" means that he lived in a village that was near the town. Notice that we cannot say "a near town"; we must say "a nearby town.

    水曜日, 10月 23, 2013

    Callan Stage 9 New Edition Lesson 143 page 804 - 806


    -live (v) リブ
    -live(adj) ライブ
    -cooking pot
    -coffee pot
    -in relation to


    -Q:Do you think it's all right to perform experiments on live animals?
    -A:Yes, I think it's all right to perform experiments on live animals. 

    -Q:Have you ever been to see a famous musician or band live and felt really let down by the performance?
    -A:Yes, l've been to see a famous musician or band live and felt really let down by the performance.

    -Q:What kind of remark would someone have to make to bring a mild look of surprise to your face?
    -A:The kind of remark someone would have to make to bring a mild look of surprise to your facewould be that they have the same surname as me, or that they used to live in the same town as me etc.

    -Q:What do we mean by mild weather?
    -A:By mild weather, we mean weather that is not stormy, or very hot, or very cold. In other words, we mean weather that is not extreme.

    -Q:Why is soap designed for washing the face milder than soap designed for washing the rest of the body?
    -A:Soap designed for washing the face is milder than soap designed for washing the rest of the body because the skin on the face is very sensitive and can easily become irritated and itchy.

    -Q:In your country, do you have to carry documents as proof of your identity?
    -A:Yes, in my country, we have to to carry documents as proof of your identity.

    -Q:What does this saying mean: "Home is where the heart ¡s"?
    -A:The saying "Home is where the heart ¡s" means that your real home s not always the house or flat where you ive; it is the place where you feel most comfortable or where you feel that you belong.

    -Q:What can we put in a trap to catch a mouse?
    -A:We can put many different types of food, such as chocolate or cheese, in a trap to catch a mouse.

    -Q:Name me some different kinds of pots, please. 
    -A:Some different kinds of pots are cooking pots, flowerpots, coffee pots, teapots etc.

    -Q:Do you think most people in your country are overweight or underweight in relation to their height?
    -A:I think most people in my country are underweight in relation to their height.

    he picked up her wedding ring from the floor and put it back on her finger.
    A bird has pair of wings and a tail.
    The value of goods depends a great deal on how much they are in demand.
    The ball rolled straight towads me.
    Unless the sea is extremely rough, I never feel seasick.
    Please stop rocking the chair backwards and forwards.
    Most people like to live a quiet life, but often find their lives are intefered with by those who like stir up at trouble.

    What does evertything in relative mean? 
    When we say that everything is relative, we mean that what we think of something often depends on what we are comparing ¡t to.
    A man ¡s only considered tall ¡f the people around him are shorter than he ¡s.
    lf he were surrounded by people who were taller than him, he would be considered short. lt's all relative.

    Have you ever been to see a famous musician or band live and felt really let down by the performance?

    What kind of remark would someone have to make to bring a mild look of surprise to your face?
    The kind of remark someone would  have to make to bring a mild look of surprise to your face would be that they have the same surname as me, or that they used to live in the same town as me etc.

    By mild weather, we mean weather that is not stormy, or very hot, or very cold. In other words, we mean weather that is not extreme.

    Why is soap designed for washing the face milder than soap designed for washing the rest of the body?
    Soap designed for washing the face is milder than soap designed for washing the rest of the body because the skin on the face is very sensitive and can easily become irritated and itchy.

    In your country, do you have to carry documents as proof of your identity?
    What does this saying mean: "Home is where the heart ¡s"?
    The saying "Home is where the heart ¡s" means that your real home s not always the house or flat where you ive; it is the place where you feel most comfortable or where you feel that you belong.

    We can put many different types of food, such as chocolate or cheese, in a trap to catch a mouse.

    Some different kinds of pots are cooking pots, flowerpots, coffee pots, teapots etc.

    火曜日, 10月 22, 2013

    Callan New Edition Stage 9 Lesson 143 on pages 803-804

  • dine 食事する
  • marmalade 主にオレンジから作ったもの
  • jam オレンジ以外のものから作ったもの
  • pear 洋なし
  • plum プラム
  • the country
  • rejoice 喜ぶ
  • victory
  • shave
  • razor
  • heal
  • mustache 口ひげ

  • When we say "the country", we often mean "the countryside". However, another meaning of "the country" is "the people of a nation". For example, we can say "The country rejoiced at the news of the victory", or The country voted to change the government". 

  • It's cloudy today, but not so cold.
  • Two typhoons are approaching in Japan on weekend.
  • The name of the room in which one dines is the dining room.
  • The difference between marmalade and jam is that marmalade is generally made from oranges, whereas jam is made from other fruits, such as pears, apples, plums etc.
  • Another meaning of "the country" besides "the countryside" is 'the people of a nation".
  • The country made a demonstration against the government.
  • We shave with a razor.
  • it takes about 1 hour for a shaving cut to heal.
  • I shave my beard and my mustache everyday after I brush my teeth.
  • I use electric shaver and sometimes razor.

  • "The country rejoiced at the news of the victory"
    The country voted to change the government".
    Most of the country was in favour of his election.

    月曜日, 10月 21, 2013

    (New Edition) Callan Stage 9, lesson 143, page 802, starts with: RESIST

    • resist
    • resistance
    • bacon
    • toast
    • substantial
    • fry-fried-fried
    • approximate
    • course
    • starter
    • main course
    • dessert
    Sentence Structures: 
    • Q. Is there anything that you cannot resist eating even though you know it's not very good for the health?
    • A.Yes, there's something that you cannot resist eating even though you know it's not very good for the health.
    • Q.Would you show any resistance if a policeman tried to arrest you for a crime that you did not commit?
    • A.Yes, I'd show some resistance if a policeman tried to arrest you for a crime that you did not commit.
    • Q.Do you prefer to eat a substantial breakfast like bacon and eggs in the morning, or do you prefer something light such as cereal and toast?
    • A.I prefer to eat substantial breakfast like bacon and eggs in the morning.
    • Q.Is it good for the health to eat fried food every day?
    • A.No. it isn't good for the health to eat fried food every day.
    • Q. What's the approximate population of the world?
    • A. The approximate population of the world is 5 billion.
    • Q.If you're in a restaurant but you only want a two-course meal, which do you normally have: a starter and main course, or a main course and dessert?
    • A. If I'm in restaurant but I only want a two-course meal,I'd normally have a starter and main course.

    Callan New Edition Stage 9 Lesson 142 on page 801 in ''REVISION EXERCISE 64'' and start with item # 10 What does the idiom "touch and go" mean?

    レッスンで出てきた文法・単語Revision Exercise 64 (Lessons 132 - 133) 

    Q.What does the idiom "touch and go" mean? 
    •The idiom "touch and go" means "very uncertain". 
    Q.When do we use the verb "wish" followed by the word "would"? 
    •We use the verb "wish" followed by the word "would" when we are unhappy or irritated about something that is happening and we want the situation to change. 
    Q.Would you recommend hitchhiking as a good way for visitors to travel around your country? 
    •No, I wouldn't recommend hitchhiking as a good way for visitors to travel around my country. 
    Q.Of all your personal possessions, which is the most dear to you? 
    •Of all my personal possessions, my car is the most dear to me. 
    Q.If you have a headache, what do you think is the best way to ease the pain? 
    •If I have a headache, I think the best way to ease the pain is to take a medicine. 
    Q.Have you ever been obliged to appear in court for any reason? 
    •No, I've never been obliged to appear in court for any reason. 
    Q.If a thief robbed you of something in the street and ran away, what would you do? 
    •If a thief robbed me of something in the street and ran away, I'd chase them. 
    Q.What kind of objects must be handled very gently when we touch them? 
    •The kind of objects that must be handled very gently when we touch them are Jewelries. 
    Q.Why do they include instruction booklets with new products like televisions and microwaves? 
    •They include instruction booklets with new products like televisions and microwaves to enable users to understand how they work and what they can do. 
    Q.Name a tough metal, please. 
    •Steel is a tough metal 
    Q.What does the idiom "can't make head or tail of it" mean? 
    •The idiom "can't make head or tail of it" means "can't understand it at all 

    When we use passive voice.
    1. ) when we don't know who does the action: for example, "My car has been stolen!"; 
    2) when we don't want to say who does the action: for example. "You were seen entering the office without permission"; 
    3) when it is not important who does the action: for example, "The Eiffel Tower was built in i 889"; 
    4) when it is obvious who does the action: for example, "He was arrested for stealing". 

    日曜日, 10月 20, 2013

    Callan New Edition Stage 9 Lesson 142 on page 801 in ''REVISION EXERCISE 64'' and start with item # 1. ''What, according to you, is the best way to deal with murderers?''.

    レッスンで出てきた文法・単語Revision Exercise 64 

    Q.What, according to you, is the best way to deal with murderers?
    •The best way to deal with murderers is to ran away from them
    Q.When browsing on the internet, do you ever follow so many links that you forget what you were originally doing?
    •Yes, when browsing on the internet, I sometimes follow so many links that I forget what was originally doing
    Q.How many carriages does the average train consist of?
    •The average train consists of about 10 carriages.
    Q.If you have a car accident and make a claim on your insurance, do you have to give a detailed explanation of what happened?
    •Yes, if I have a car accident and make a claim on my insurance, I have to give a detailed explanation of what happened.
    Q.What kind of things do housemates argue about?
    •The kind of things that housemates argue about are cleaning, cooking etc.
    Q.Do you think there'll always be high levels of poverty in some parts of the world?
    •Yes, I think there'll always be high levels of poverty in some parts of the world.

    土曜日, 10月 19, 2013

    Callan New Edition Stage 9 Lesson 142 on page 801


  • revolution 

    IDIOM 43:
  • give somebody the cold shoulder = make somebody feel unwelcome, usually by ignoring them
    1. I didn't know what I had done wrong, but everyone seemed to give me the cold shoulder.
    2. Instead of a friendly welcome, we were given the cold shoulder. 

  • It's raining today.
  • I went to a cow farm near here.
  • It only takes 30 minutes by car.
  • We went there to eat soft ice cream from a cow's milk and I also bought a fresh milk.
  • It really cost expensive.
  • It cost 650 yen per liter.
  • I only bought one liter of fresh milk.
  • We also went to an old temple just near from the cow farm.
  • We saw many colorful cosmos flowers.
  • This old temple was one of the national treasures of Japan.
  • The idiom "give somebody the cold shoulder" means make somebody feel unwelcome, usually by ignoring them.
  • When foreign people come to Japan, we shouldn't give them the cold shoulder. 

    Lacking central heating, we managed to keep the room sufficiently warm with an oil heater which our next-door neighbour had lent us. 
  • The military leaders behaved so wickedly that the people marched against them, and a bloody revolution soon broke out. 
  • The Greeks in the old days believed in many gods, whereas many modern religions only have one god. 
  • The accident was not really the soldier's fault; he simply did what the captain commanded him to do. 
  • lt was quite plain that he was a policeman, even though he was not in uniform. 

  • lacking [lucking]
  • lent [rent]
  • bloody [bloodly]
  • him [he]
  • Callan New Edition Stage 9 Lesson 142 on page 800 please start with ''Is it wrong for parents to favour one child over another?''




    Q.Is it wrong for parents to favour one child over another?
    •Yes, it's wrong for parents to favour one child over another.
    Q.Does bad weather favour a yacht in a race at sea?
    •No, bad weather doesn't favour a yacht in a race at sea it hinders it.
    Q.What do you do when you don't approve of somebody's behaviour?
    •When I don't approve of somebody's behaviour tell the person to stop it.
    Q.Can a woman clothe herself more cheaply than a man?
    •No, a woman can't clothe herself more cheaply than a man.
    Q.Which'd you rather be given: a bunch of flowers or a bunch of grapes?
    •I'd rather be given a bunch of grapes. 

    金曜日, 10月 18, 2013

    Callan New Edition Stage 9 Lesson 142 on pages 799-800


  • latest
  • last
  • last but one 最後の一つ前
  • blackboard
  • whiteboard
  • chalk
  • eyebrow
  • eyelash
  • eyelid
  • lid
  • pan
  • favour
  • yacht
  • hinder 

  • One important difference between latest" and "last" is that, if I say "John Browns latest book is excellent". it means John Browns newest book. However, if I say John Brown's last book was excellent". it probably means the book he wrote before his new one, or it means his final book ever, because he has now retired or died. 

  • I'm very happy today because I went to the Chinese-Japanese restaurant together with co-workers to eat dinner in celebration for my birthday last month.
  • I couldn't find a cheap Japanese traditional dress.
  • Kimono is really expensive.
  • There is a kimono in summer season and we called it ''yukata'', but I couldn't find it too, in the shopping mall yesterday.
  • I bought Japanese sweet snacks instead.
  • We write on a blackboard with a piece of chalk.
  • We write on a whiteboard with a special pen.
  • It's an eyebrow.
  • Those are eyelashes.
  • It's an eyelid.
  • Water in a pan boils more quickly with the lid on.
  • Because, with the lid on, the steam and the heat are kept in.
  • Callan New Edition Stage 9 Lesson 142 on pages 797-798

  • charm
  • charming
  • musical
  • snake
  • snake charmer
  • instrument 

    Strong and weak pronunciation forms
  • can
  • than
  • but
  • some
  • your
  • to
  • are
  • was
    1. In English, many common words have a ''strong'' pronunciation form and a "weak' pronunciation form. For example, the strong form of the word "can" is /kaen/. whereas the weak form is /kan/. With the weak form, the vowel in the word is usually the sound /a/, which is the most common sound in the English language.
    2. We use the weak pronunciation form of a word when we say the word normally in a sentence without any special stress. For example, we say "I /kan/ speak three languages".
    3. We use the strong pronunciation form when we say the word on its own, or when put we stress on the word for some reason. For example, if someone says "You cant speak three languages', we might reply emphatically and say "Yes, I /kaen/!" 

  • It was sunny today, but cool.
  • We went to Indian restaurant together with my two Indian engineers.
  • I will go shopping with my wife after the lesson.
  • One of the Indian engineer wants to buy a Japanese traditional clothes like kimono and yukata, but he can't find a good and cheap kind of it.
  • I will try to look for it in the shopping mall and if I can find one so I will give it to him as a present.
  • We use the weak pronunciation form of a word in English when we say the word normally in a sentence without any special stress.
  • I can speak Japanese.
  • This is your desk.
  • I have some cars.
  • We use the strong pronunciation form of a word when we say the word on its own, or when we put stress on the word for some reason.
  • I like pineapple, but my wife doesn't like it.
  • The most charming person I know is my wife.
  • A snake charmer is a person who charms a snake by playing a musical instrument.
  • No, I don't believe that there are people in the world who can put a magic charm on other people.
  • 木曜日, 10月 17, 2013

    Callan Stage 9 New Edition Lesson 142 page 796-797

    レッスンで出てきた文法・単語Vocabulary Words
    7.love affair

    Sentence Structured 
    1. Tokyo is the wealthiest region in my country
    2.A long period of heavy rain result in a disaster because it can lead to floods that cause death, terrible damage to farms and buildings etc 
    3.The three meanings of the word "then" are "at that time", "next" and "in that case"
    4.The best way to urge someone to do something they do not want to do ¡s to tell them how much better everything will be after they have done it
    5.No, it isn't wise to speak about one's private affairs in public
    6.No, love affairs aren't always happy 

    月曜日, 10月 14, 2013

    English Conversation & Callan Stage 9 New Edition Lesson 141 page 793 start with: What problem might you have if you took a faulty product back to a shop but didn't have the receipt to prove where you bought it anymore?


    •excuse me 
    •I'm sorry 


    •Two meanings of "quite" 

    Idiom 42: 
    put one's foot down = to be determined arid insist on something eg. My daughter kept asking me if she could go to the party but I had ta put my foot down and say no. 


    •I will go out with my Indian friends. 
    •We will go sightseeing. 
    •I will bring them to NINJA house 

    日曜日, 10月 13, 2013

    Callan Stage 9 New Edition Lesson 141 pages 792-793 "nuisance"

    レッスンで出てきた文法・単語SENTENCE STRUCTURE/S: 
    1. Yes, there's a job I can think of that I'd like like to do, not for the money, but for the mere honour that goes with the job.
    2. I think the best thing to do with children who are making a nuisance of themselves is to give them snacks.
    3. When we want to put posts in the ground to make the goals for a game of football or rugby, we must dig fairly deep holes in the ground.
    4. I'd say my main goal in my life at the moment were to retire early, travel abroad and take a spa everyday.
    5. Yes, big companies often advertise new posts in national newspapers.
    6. The postage for a letter from your country to England is 100 yen.
    7. When I was naughty as a child, my parents persuaded me not to do so.
    8. You're folding a page of your book.
    9. My native language is Japanese.
    10. Yes, there's still any lost treasure in the world, especially at the bottom of the sea where ships sank in the old days.
    11. If I took a faulty product back to a shop but didn't have the receipt to prove where I bought it anymore,the shop might not agree to change the product or give me a refund.

    • nuisance 厄介な、不快な
    • post
    • doorpost
    • goal
    • dig - dug - dug
    • postage
    • naughty わんぱくな
    • punish
    • fold
    • native
    • treasure
    • receipt
    • prove 
      • The three forms of "dig" are "dig, dug, dug".

    土曜日, 10月 12, 2013

    Today's Lesson: Callan Stage 9 New Edition Lesson 141 page 790 - 792


    -Compound adjectives
    -a fifty-minute lesson
    -a four-door car
    -I have a two-hour break time for my lunch. 
    -That is a four-wheel car. 
    -Q:If you arrived at a railway station with a heavy suitcase, would you ask a porter to help you with it or would you struggle with it yourself?
    -A:lf I arrived at a railway station with a heavy suitcase, I'd struggle with it myself.
    -Q:What can we say instead of "He had a holidaythat lasted two weeks"?
    -A:Instead of "He had a holiday that lasted two weeks", we can say 'He had a two-week holiday".
    -Q:What can we say instead of "Let's jog for ten kilometres"?
    -A:Instead of "Let's jog for ten kilometres", we can say "Let's go for a ten-kilometre jog".
    -Q:In the phrase "a ten-kilometre jog", why is the word "kilometre" singular and not plural?
    -A:In the phrase "a ten-kilometre jog", the word "kilometre" is singular because it is being used as an adjective, and adjectives in Eng[ish do not have plural forms.
    -Q:Do people who become rich or famous overnight often have problems managing their new lifestyle?
    -A:Yes, people who become rich or famous overnight often have problems managing their new lifestyle.
    -Q:Is there any job you could think of that you would like to do, not for the money, but for the mere honour that goes with the job?
    -A:Yes, there's a job I could think of that I'd like to do, not for the money, but for the mere honour that goes with the job.

    金曜日, 10月 11, 2013

    Callan New Edition Stage 9 Lesson 141 on pages 789-790

  • critic
  • expect
  • rely on
  • fast
  • fasten 

  • Yes, it's a national holiday in Japan on Monday.
  • I don't have work on that day so I have 3 days straight holiday.
  • If I could choose between working as a restaurant critic or a theatre critic, I'd prefer working as a restaurant critic.
  • No, I'm not expecting a letter from anyone in the next few days.
  • No, I don't think young children can be expected to do homework without being forced to do so, either by their teachers or by their parents.
  • Yes, that's right; I understand everything you say with ease.
  • No, I can't always be relied on to do things that I have promised to do.
  • When we say that someone's fast asleep we mean that they're completely asleep, and would be difficult to wake up.
  • Yes, aeroplane passengers have to fasten their seat belts before the plane takes off or lands.
  • 木曜日, 10月 10, 2013

    Callan Stage 9 New Edition page 788 Revision Exercise 63 no. 18

    レッスンで出てきた文法・単語Revision Exercise 63 (Lessons 130 - 131) 

    •18 When do people sweat? 
    -People sweat when they do exercise, when they are nervous, and when the weather is hot. 
    •What's the difference between "under" and "underneath"? 
    --The difference between "under" and "underneath" is that "underneath" means "under that" or "under it", and unlike "under", it does not usually need to be followed by any other words. 
    •20 What does the idiom "get you down" mean? 
    -The idiom "get you down" means "make you tired and unhappy". 

    •Double contractions 




    •They deliver the mail at about 2 to 3pm. 
    •if I had to deliver a speech, I'd carefully prepare notes beforehand. 
    •If could choose between working as a restaurant critic or a theatre critic , I'd prefer restaurant. 

    水曜日, 10月 09, 2013

    Callan Stage 9 New Edition page 788 Revision Exercise 63

    -Q:What's the minimum number of people necessary for a game of tennis?
    -A:The minimum number of people necessary for a game of tennis is two.
    -Q:When a college student is writing an essay, should they put all their main points in one big paragraph?
    -A:No, when a college student s writing an essay, they shouldn't put all their main points in one big paragraph; they should divide the points between different paragraphs.
    -Q:When we cut ourselves, why might we put a pad of cotton wool over the cut?
    -A:When we cut ourselves, we might put a pad of cotton wool over the cut to absorb the blood and protect the wound.
    -Q:What do we mean when we say that a map is drawn to a scale of one inch to a mile?
    -A:When we say that a map is drawn to a scale of one inch to a mile, we mean that one inch on the map represents one mile of actual land.
    -Q:What does the idiom "sore point" mean?
    -A:The idiom "sore point" means "a subject which makes somebody feel unhappy or angry when it is mentioned".
    -Q:Give me an example of an unfinished sentence ending with "to", please.
    -A:He doesn't know if he'll see her at the party but he's hoping to.
    -Q:Why do people have a much greater chance of living to a much greater age these days than they did in the old days?
    -A:People have a much greater chance of living to a much greater age these days than they did in the old days because life today is easier and more comfortable, and medicine has improved a lot in recent times.
    -Q:Why do people take hold of something when they suddenly become afraid?
    -A:People take hold of something when they suddenly become afraid in order to give themselves strength and support.
    -Q:Why do you have to pay attention all the time during a Callan Method lesson?
    -A:I have to pay attention all the time during a Callan Method lesson because the teacher could suddenly ask me a question at any moment.
    -Q:Which nationalities are particularly famous for their food?
    -A:The French, the Italians, the Chinese etc are particularly famous for their food.

    Callan New Edition Stage 9 Lesson 140 on pages 787-788

    Sentence Structures: 
    1. The idiom"hard up "with means "with very little money".
    2. A four-legged animal, a blue-eyed baby.
    3. The main unit of currency in my country is yen.
    4. When we speak about driving a car, the opposite of "to slow down" is "to speed up".
    5. The name of a dish that's peculiar to my country is baked crocodile.
    6. The difference between a nail and a screw s that we hammer a nail into something with a hammer, whereas we screw a screw into something by turning it with a screwdriver.

    Vocabulary words: 
    • rapid
    • screw
    • screwdriver
    hard up = with very little money. 
    e.g. I can't let you have any money this week; I'm really hard up.
    We spent the whole afternoon/ gathering up the apples that had fallen on the ground. 
    A railway line does not have to be level but it should not climb too rapidly, otherwise a train cannot run on it. 
    When we weighed the cake my father was very surprised. 
    He had not realized/ it would weigh so much. 
    The theatre seats were well made, so the audience were able to relax and watch the play in comfort. 
    For one brief moment, I was certain he would succeed. 
    corrected words:seats-comfort-weighed

    月曜日, 10月 07, 2013

    Callan New Edition Stage 9 Lesson 140 on pages 786-787

  • over
  • basement
  • bargain
  • caution
  • cautiously 

    "Some" in questions
  • We sometimes use the words "some", 'somebody" and "something' in questions instead of the usual "any', "anybody" and "anything". We generally do this when we expect a positive answer, and especially when we offer something to somebody. For example, "Would you like some more tea?"; "Is there somebody here you're looking for?"; "Would you like me to buy you something nice for Christmas?" etc.
    1. "Would you like some wine with your meal?"
    2. "Did somebody just ring the doorbell?"
    3. "Would you like something nice for dinner?" 

  • I went to Tokyo for my one week business trip.
  • I was so tired so I just stayed at home last weekend.
  • We use ''some'', "somebody" and "something" in questions instead of the usual "any", "anybody" and "anything" when we expect a positive answer, and especially when we offer something to somebody.
  • Would you like to drink some more coffee?
  • Did somebody call me?
  • Do you want to eat something delicious for lunch?
  • If you say that your brother is over two metres tall, you mean that he is more than two metres tall.
  • No, the building where I live doesn't have a basement.
  • Yes, it's possible to find some really good bargains in the sales.
  • Yes, when I go to a market, I bargain over the prices.
  • People have to act very cautiously in dangerous situations.
  • The police caution me about bad driving before they take away my licence is for about three or five times.