土曜日, 9月 14, 2013

Callan New Edition Stage 9 Lesson 138 on page 774 please continue ''REVISION EXERCISE 62'' and start with item # 2. ''If a friend of yours wants to go to one cinema and you want to go to another, and you can't agree about which to go to, what do you do?''.

レッスンで出てきた文法・単語Revision Exercise 62 (Lessons 128 - 129): 

•I think that drivers who don't take care whilst driving, and consequently run people over ought to be in jail. 
•Yes, if I went for dinner at a friend's house but didn't care much for the food, I'd still tell them it was good. 
•The expression " I dare say you're right" means " I think you're probably right". 
•We rub our hands together in cold weather because it makes them warmer. 
•If I found myself face to face with a killer with a knife in his hand, I'd run away immediately. 
•The word "thus" can mean "therefore" or "in this way". 
•If the cost of living suddenly rose and I needed to economize, I'd sell my car. 
•Food becomes scarce in war time because there aren't enough people to work on the farms or in the factories. 
•No, if I held a dinner party and served food that had been cooked ¡n a microwave, it wouldn't make a good impression on my guests. 
•Yes, it angers me when an airline makes an additional charge for luggage 
•Yes, I feel insulted if a foreign person says negative things about my country 

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