金曜日, 9月 27, 2013

New Callan Stage 9 Lesson 139 Pages 780-781

Sentence Structures: 
  1. When I have have an insect bite that's itching a lot,I scratch it.
  2. You're scratching your cheek with your finger.
  3. Yes, we usually have to scrape off the old paint from a wooden door before painting it again.
  4. Yes, when young children are running around they often fall over and scrape their knees.
  5. The idiom "it never rains but ¡t pours" mean it never rains but it pours when one bad thing happens, a lot of other bad things also happen.

Vocabulary words: 
  • ITCH
*Idíom 40:it never rains but it pours=when one bad thing happens, a lot of other bad things also happen. 

Some people find it sad that the steam engine isn't used any longer on the railways.
Although he strongly opposed the bill,he knew it would be passed all the same and so, after replying to the opposition, be returned sadly to his seat. 
The guards were given orders to shoot the enemy on sight. 
I am an early bird, which means that I fe& very bright in the morning and tired in the evening. 
Find out if he is fit to do the job first. 
corrected words:replying-sadly
Callan book
レッスンで利用した教材のページ数Pages 780-781

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語学習法へ

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