木曜日, 10月 10, 2013

Callan Stage 9 New Edition page 788 Revision Exercise 63 no. 18

レッスンで出てきた文法・単語Revision Exercise 63 (Lessons 130 - 131) 

•18 When do people sweat? 
-People sweat when they do exercise, when they are nervous, and when the weather is hot. 
•What's the difference between "under" and "underneath"? 
--The difference between "under" and "underneath" is that "underneath" means "under that" or "under it", and unlike "under", it does not usually need to be followed by any other words. 
•20 What does the idiom "get you down" mean? 
-The idiom "get you down" means "make you tired and unhappy". 

•Double contractions 




•They deliver the mail at about 2 to 3pm. 
•if I had to deliver a speech, I'd carefully prepare notes beforehand. 
•If could choose between working as a restaurant critic or a theatre critic , I'd prefer restaurant. 

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