木曜日, 10月 24, 2013

(New Edition) Callan Stage 9, Lesson 144,page 809, start with:-->Henry sat alone in the room.

  • in season
  • out of season
Sentence Structures: 
  • Q.Henry sat alone in the room.
  • A.Henry sat in the room by himself.

  • Q.Henry did the translation without help.
  • A.Henry did the translation by himself.

  • Q.Cats prefer to hunt during the night.
  • A.Cats prefer to hunt by night.

  • Q.My sister was the painter of this picture.
  • A.This picture was painted by my sister.

  • Q.Is it correct to say "The man lived in a near town"?
  • A. No, it isn't correct to .
  • Q.What must we say instead?
  • A.We must say "The man lived in a nearby town" instead.

  • Q. Are apples in season or out of season at the moment?
  • A.Apples are in season at the moment.

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