日曜日, 10月 13, 2013

Callan Stage 9 New Edition Lesson 141 pages 792-793 "nuisance"

レッスンで出てきた文法・単語SENTENCE STRUCTURE/S: 
  1. Yes, there's a job I can think of that I'd like like to do, not for the money, but for the mere honour that goes with the job.
  2. I think the best thing to do with children who are making a nuisance of themselves is to give them snacks.
  3. When we want to put posts in the ground to make the goals for a game of football or rugby, we must dig fairly deep holes in the ground.
  4. I'd say my main goal in my life at the moment were to retire early, travel abroad and take a spa everyday.
  5. Yes, big companies often advertise new posts in national newspapers.
  6. The postage for a letter from your country to England is 100 yen.
  7. When I was naughty as a child, my parents persuaded me not to do so.
  8. You're folding a page of your book.
  9. My native language is Japanese.
  10. Yes, there's still any lost treasure in the world, especially at the bottom of the sea where ships sank in the old days.
  11. If I took a faulty product back to a shop but didn't have the receipt to prove where I bought it anymore,the shop might not agree to change the product or give me a refund.

  • nuisance 厄介な、不快な
  • post
  • doorpost
  • goal
  • dig - dug - dug
  • postage
  • naughty わんぱくな
  • punish
  • fold
  • native
  • treasure
  • receipt
  • prove 
    • The three forms of "dig" are "dig, dug, dug".

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語学習法へ

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