日曜日, 5月 05, 2013

Callan Stage 7 Lesson 107 on page 666 please start with ''EMPHASISING PRONOUNS

レッスンで出てきた文法・単語Grammar :
EMPHASISING PRONOUNS 強調代名詞?、無くても意味が通じる
reflexive pronous 再帰代名詞、object of the verb

Sentence Structures:
I remember it very clearly, because I gave him the money myself 
- People cannot usually repair shoes themselves; they have to take them to a shoe repairer 
We put it in to make what is said stronger and to give it emphasis 
We call such a word an Emphasising Pronoun
Callan Stage 7/font>

John washed himself. 再帰代名詞
John washed the car himself. 強調代名詞

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