日曜日, 5月 12, 2013

Callan Stage 7 Lesson 109 on page 685 in ''CALLAN STAGE 7 EXAM: YES-NO QUIZ, item # 1-17''

-No, we don't begin with a personal letter with “Dear Sir''.
-No, we can't make a horse drink if it does not want to just by ordering it to do so.
-No, people don't get wounded in car accidents, but they get injured.
-No, a non-defining clause isn't essential to a meaning of a sentence.
-No, I'm not at a very advanced stage of English, but I'm in Intermediate stage of English.
-Yes, if one doesn't stir one’s tea, the sugar will settle at the bottom of the cup.
-Yes, the word “herself” in the following sentence is an Emphasizing Pronoun.
-''She made the dress herself”.
-No, a female film star isn't a man, but a woman.
-No, a cup of tea isn't a cup without tea.
-Yes, a rocking-chair moves backwards and forwards.
-No, I'm not about to answer question five of this exam.
-No, the word “unless” doesn't mean “if possible”.
-No, a man can't ride on the back of a horse race.
-Yes, if someone said to me “Shall we go to the theater?” he would be making a suggestion.
-No, “homework” isn't the work a housewife does in the home.
-No, we don't ring a front-door bell after entering someone’s house.
-No, a plain uniform isn't composed of many different colours.
レッスンで利用した教材Callan Stage 7

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