火曜日, 12月 03, 2013

Callan New Edition Stage 10 Lesson 153 on pages 867-868


  • carpet
  • rug
  • mat
  • ripe
  • unripe
  • overripe
  • sour
  • peel 

  • The difference between a carpet and a rug is that a carpet is large, usually covering the whole floor of a room, whereas a rug is smaller, and only covers part of the floor. A mat is something we put in front of a door for people to wipe their feet on before entering a house. 

  • It was sunny, but not so cold
  • I arrived home 20 minutes ago.
  • I'm a bit hungry now.
  • I haven't finished printing it yet, because I'm still considering better ideas.
  • I will send the greeting cards on the 25th of December and they will receive it on the 1st of January.
  • Yes, I do it every year. 

    1. What's the difference between a carpet and a rug?
  • The difference between a carpet and a rug is that a carpet is large, usually covering the whole floor of a room, whereas a rug is smaller, and only covers part of the floor.

  • 2. What's a mat?
  • A mat is something we put in front of a door for people to wipe their feet on before entering a house.
  • 3. What happens to milk if we leave it for too long before using it?
  • If we leave milk for too long before using it, it goes sour (or turns sour).
  • 4. If an apple is unripe, how does it taste?
  • If an apple is unripe, it tastes sour.

  • 5. How can we tell if a banana is ripe or overripe without peeling it?
  • We can tell if a banana is ripe or overripe without peeling it by looking at the skin. The skin of a ripe banana is yellow with only a few dark spots, whereas the skin of an overripe banana is brown, or has many dark spots on.

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