月曜日, 10月 08, 2012

callan stage 1,Lesson 3 on page 22

レッスンで出てきた文法・単語VOCABULARY WORDS
-how much

-The five vowels are "a e i o u"
-D's before E
-J's after I
-Y's before Z
-H's after G
-The table's in front of us =
-No, the walls aren't in front of us, but they're behind us
-No, the table isn't behind us, but it's in front of us
-The house's behind them
-No, I'mnot behind them, but I'm in front of them
-No, you aren't in front of them, but you're behind them
レッスンで利用した教材callan stage 1 pdf

Two plus two equals four.

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