水曜日, 11月 06, 2013

Callan New Edition Stage 10 Lesson 146 on page 826 -828

Vocabulary Words
2.cheer up!
5.English Channel
8.off course

Sentence Structured 
1.When I buy jeans, I tend to buy a dark shade
2. You're pretending to shade your eyes from the sun
3.At the cinema, when someone passes in front of the projector and cuts the beam of light, we see the shadow of the person's head appear on the screen 
4.Yes, I can see any shadows on the walls of this room
5.Yes, I like old-fashioned country houses where the ceilings are supported by big wooden beams
6.Yes, I'd like to live in a house like that
7.People cheer at a concert when the performance has been very good
8."Cheer up! Things aren't as bad as they seem" means that we should try to feel happier, because the situation that is making us unhappy is not as serious as it appears to be
9.Go out of the building, turn left at the first corner turn right and walk a few minutes and the right hand side theirs a post office
10.No, I don't think I'd be good at directing a large business
11.I eat breakfast directly after the lesson is over

Dictation 100.

The boy whistled to himself/ as he cycled down the empty street./ 

The evil deed has been done/ and cannot be undone/ so we should accept the fact/ and stop thinking about it/ Every now and again,/ I get my car checked/ by a professional/ so that I know t will run properly

Misspelled Words

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