水曜日, 8月 07, 2013

Today's Lesson: Callan Stage 9 New Edition Lesson 129 page 712 - 715


-town hall
-out of doors
-kneel - knelt - knelt
-A cat uses its whiskers to measure the width of a gap in a fence or a hedge to see if it is possible to get through the gap without using force and making a lot of noise. 
-No, I don't think it's a good idea for students to have a gap year between finishing school and starting university. 
-Yes, we have to mind the gap between the train and the edge of the platform at some stations. 
-A hail is a large room. 
-A town hall is a large building that is used for local government and public meetings. 
-A pool is a small amount of liquid that has collected in one place. 
-The advantages of an indoor swimming pool are that the water can be heated more easily, and one can swim in it ¡n any kind of weather. 
-I prefer an indoor swimming pool. 
-We call that joint of the leg a knee. 
-The occasions on which people kneel are when they say their prayers etc. 
-When we speak about the late Mr Johnson, we mean the Mr Johnson who has recently died. 
-Yes, l've seen some good films at the cinema lately. 
-Yes, many women like to match their handbags with their shoes.
レッスンで利用した教材Callan Stage 9 pdf
レッスンで利用した教材のページ数712 - 715

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語学習法へ

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